Culture Transformation in the Hybrid Workplace

The Hybrid Workplace is here to stay. It is also a good change; good for fatigued workers, who would like to reduce their commute. It is good for the kids who have been missing the attention of their busy parents, all absorbed and focused on the compulsions of their careers. Good for the environment, if the local and outstation business commutes reduce and get replaced by digital meetups. It is incredibly good for saving resources that we spent on office spaces and much more in the pre-covid era.

Covid has been around and seems to be in no hurry to leave. With the last 16 months of this pressure, our socio-economic wellbeing has been challenged to the hilt. This pandemic has made us ask questions on many fronts and has also made us look for their answers like never before; the process continues. In the middle of all this, life has been going on, work too has been going on, and concerns have shifted from keeping things going to vaccine drives to reopening for a second time, etc. etc. 
“You can’t assume you’ll return to the same culture that existed prepandemic There’s been too much change, both at the individual level and at the business level.” – Bryan Hancock, McKinsey

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